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Year 9

The Year 9 Curriculum continues to provide a broad range of general subject matter, but expands the overall experience of students with 5 elective subjects included. Students experience continued support through our robust wellbeing programs.

Curriculum and Classes

Year 9 builds on existing literacy and numeracy skills and knowledge, while ensuring students are well prepared for a more rigorous curriculum at the Senior level. The majority of subjects are repeated across Semesters 1 and 2. These include:

  • Religious Education
  • English
  • Mathematics OR Advanced Mathematics (by invitation)
  • Science
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Humanities
  • Care Group

Students study 5 electives across 3 distinct learning streams: Arts, Design Technology, and Digital Technologies. Every student will choose one elective from each of these streams, and then two extra electives from a stream of their choice. A full list of our elective options can be found below.

In Year 9, languages become elective subjects. If chosen, the language is studied across both semesters, and students may negotiate to not study one compulsory subject to encourage language study. Students also study an Inquiry and Project Based Learning subject for half of the year.

Our Religious Education learning program continues and follows the curriculum structure set by the Diocese of Sale. Religious Education includes 5 subject options: Just Faith; Crossroads and Signposts; Creating God’s Image; Faith in Action; and Junior Cantabile.

More information on the curriculum and classes can be found in our curriculum website

Extension Academies

As a leading catholic school in Melbourne, we are dedicated to facilitating growth and offering more Year 9 subjects to students who are performing above standard and have a high level of interest in a particular subject. To increase subject availability for students and have more subjects run each semester, classes are run with both Year 8 and Year 9 students included. These elective subjects are offered at both our Officer and Berwick campuses and require an application process prior to admission. Our Extension Academies are:

  • Basketball
  • Health Sciences
  • Literature
  • Performing Arts
  • Philosophy
  • STEM (Science, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics)
  • Sport
  • Visual Arts

Students who successfully enrol in an Extension Academy may negotiate to not study a compulsory subject.


A Year 9 highlight is Outward Bound, a five day outdoor expedition experience to give students practical and enjoyable experiences.

Both our Officer and Berwick school campuses offer ‘Hands-on Learning’, a popular program which is provided by many other Catholic Schools in Melbourne. The program is aimed at engaging students to help them discover their talents and find success in their schooling career and later in life. This supportive program helps students build confidence and connect with the school.

Additionally, our Individual Support Program is available for students who require personalised adjustments to their learning program. This can include support with literacy intervention or general program support. Numeracy intervention is offered through the mathematics learning program.

The ISP subjects are studied as an alternative to another subject in consultation with the Learning Adjustment Team. The subjects on offer are:


Students complete 5 elective subjects across the year. Students must complete at least 1 elective from the three major streams, with their final two subjects able to be chosen from any stream and a list of additional electives.


  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Media Arts
  • Media Arts — 3D Modelling and Animation
  • Music (can be studied both semester)
  • Visual Art
  • Visual Communication Design

Design Technology

  • Electronics
  • Food
  • Horticulture
  • Textiles
  • Wood

Digital Technologies

  • Creative Digital Solutions
  • Digital Systems and Networks
  • Robotics

Additional Electives

  • Health and PE: Fitness and Training
  • Humanities: Civics and Citizenship — Crime and Punishment
  • Humanities: Economics and Business
  • Humanities: Geography
  • Humanities: History — Australians at War
  • Languages: Arabic (full year)
  • Languages: Japanese (full year)
  • Languages: Spanish (full year)
  • Science: Into the Galaxy

Care Group

The Care Group program continues to provide students a structured opportunity to practise wellbeing. The program focuses on student’s personal development, understanding learning needs and progress, and fostering a sense of connection to the College and other students. This program includes in-class learning of wellbeing skills.