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St Francis Xavier College offers a broad and extensive Catholic high school curriculum across Year 7 to 12 that strongly relates to our mission. Take a look below to get a specific insight into our curriculum at each year level, and please contact the College if you require further assistance.

Year Levels

We support students through their entire secondary school experience, setting a strong foundation in our Junior Curriculum, before preparing students for life beyond school with our Senior Curriculum. Students experience a variety of learning disciplines, allowing them to build skills and pursue the areas that interest them.


St Francis Xavier College believes in Pathways for All. As such, we have offered VET options to our students for almost 20 years. These vocational pathways offer students additional options to assist them in achieving their education goals. VET studies are an excellent pathway to University, TAFE or training, and employment. Students have the opportunity to add value to their senior secondary schooling by completing nationally recognised VET certificates, courses and qualifications.

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Our role as a Melbourne Catholic high school is to provide a well-rounded and supportive environment for students in Melbourne’s south-east. Our Wellbeing curriculum contributes to this mission and equips students with the knowledge and understanding they need to promote their own welfare and that of others.

Our Wellbeing curriculum is aligned to the Victorian Curriculum by teaching Personal and Social Capabilities and inspired by our Catholic identity. It is designed to teach students wellbeing skills as they relate to our Wellbeing For Learning Framework’s three key areas: Relationships, Relevance, and Resilience.

Wellbeing for Learning  Support  Positive Learning

Camps, Retreats & Experiences

Studying at St Francis Xavier College takes students beyond the classroom and into different areas of the world around them. Students are taught important life skills that will aid them as they get older, and challenged to solve problems, work collaboratively, and be open to new experiences.

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Learning Adjustment

St Francis Xavier College is committed to offering an inclusive learning program for all students. Our commitment is realised in many ways including through supporting students with disability.

Inclusive Education  Hands-On Learning


Because parenting doesn’t come with instructions, SchoolTV is a wellbeing resource that can support you in the challenges relating to modern-day parenting.

This award-winning resource helps build relationships, foster connections, enable understanding and break down barriers to navigate a pathway towards better mental health and wellbeing for young people. It can assist in starting conversations on topics that are sometimes awkward or difficult to tackle.

Watch all SchoolTV Special Reports https://schooltv.me/

Careers Curriculum

The Careers Office is open from 8:30am to 4:00pm every day (although days vary at the Junior Campuses). Appointments are available at any time during the day. The team will be available to assist you with your subject selection and pathway options.

The College offers a full Careers Curriculum outlined by the Department of Education from Year 7 to Year 12. Students in Year 9 complete the Morrisby Career Testing to support them with their secondary subject selections as well as their future career outcomes.

Students, parents, carers, and guardians have access to our careers website, which boasts comprehensive information for all students no matter where they are on their career journey.

All students in Year 7 to Year 12 can attend careers appointments with someone from our Careers Team, to support them with their secondary education journey. Student appointments can be made through the career’s website. Parents, carers, and guardians may attend appointments if they wish. Book here. 

Careers Team contacts:

Beaconsfield: askcareers@sfx.vic.edu.au 
Berwick: berwickcareers@sfx.vic.edu.au
Officer: officercareers@sfx.vic.edu.au