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Year 10

The Year 10 Curriculum is designed to give students more choice in their learning and prepare them for the final pathways to finish their schooling. Our wellbeing program ensures that the transition into our Senior Curriculum is positive and enriching for students.


Year 10 students have two pathways to choose from:

  1. Core Program
  2. Applied Learning Program

In Year 10, students transition from either our Berwick or Officer junior campuses to the Beaconsfield senior campus.

More information can be found on our curriculum website

Core Program

Students interested in studying VCE in Years 11 and 12 are encouraged to choose the Core Program pathway. Students will continue to study core subjects and will have Accelerated Learning made available to them. Accelerated Learning is an opportunity for students who have demonstrated academic excellence to begin early study of a VCE subject for Units 1 and 2, or a VCE-VET subject.

Across both semesters, students will study Religious Education, English and Mathematics. For a single semester, students will study a Science elective, a Health and Physical Education elective, an Inquiry and Project Based Learning subject, and 5 electives (3 one semester; 2 the alternate semester)

Accelerated Learning

The College offers students in the Core Program the opportunity to commence a Unit 1 and 2 VCE or VCE-VET subject in Year 10, allowing them to complete their VCE with 6 Unit 3 and 4 level subjects rather than 5.

Students seeking to enrol in an Accelerated Learning subject will be invited to attend an interview to discuss their strengths and their understanding of the subject they wish to complete. Further investigation of a student’s knowledge and skills will occur through College reports, examination results and NAPLAN and PAT testing to determine their ability to handle the demands of an accelerated subject. Additional referrals, pre-entry level testing or auditions may be required.

The following VCE Units 1 and 2 subjects will be offered for students who wish to apply for Accelerated Learning:

  • Biology
  • Business Management
  • Computing
  • General Mathematics
  • Health and Human Development
  • Physical Education
  • Philosophy
  • Psychology
  • Religion and Society

The following VCE-VET subjects will also be offered as part of Accelerated Learning:

  • Applied Digital Technologies (Certificate II)
  • Workplace Skills (Certificate II)
  • Music Industry — Sound Production (Certificate III)
  • Kitchen Operations (Certificate II)
  • Screen and Media (Certificate III)
  • Sport and Recreation (Certificate III)

NB: Information for these subjects can be found in the Senior Handbook.

Applied Learning Program

This hybrid program allows students to engage in core subjects that have a focus on applied learning and work readiness, while also accessing a broad range of elective options. It is designed to provide the best pathway for the VCE Vocational Major, but will not prevent a student from completing the VCE.

Across both semesters, students will study Religious Education, Applied English and Applied Mathematics. For a single semester, students will study a Science elective, a Health and Physical Education elective, a Work Skills subject, and 5 electives (3 one semester; 2 the alternate semester).

Students will also complete Work Placement during the exam period, and may also explore a School-Based Apprenticeship as part of their program.