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Engaging with Extra Curricula Activities: A Guide to Making the Most of School Clubs and Activities

Monday 2nd September 2024

While academic coursework is the central component of school, extra curricula activities also play a huge role in a student’s life. Extra curricula activities are the non-academic courses available that give students the chance to learn new things, apply their knowledge in real-world contexts and connect with peers who share similar passions.

 Let’s see how students can make the most of these opportunities available at their fingertips and get involved with them throughout their secondary school journey.

What are the benefits of extracurriculars

It’s been proven that students who participate in extra curricular activities discover a wide range of benefits.

Enhanced learning opportunities and newfound skills

Students involved in extra curricula activities gain opportunities for personal growth and new skills that can be easily transferable to the classroom and the professional working world. For example, a language class teaches cultural awareness, a sport builds determination and drive, and an acting class can hone public-speaking skills — all of which are valuable in academics and in life.



A sense of community and improved collaboration with others

Participating in sports or visual arts lets students join a supportive environment where they can explore new interests with like-minded peers. They get to develop communication and interpersonal skills while forming meaningful friendships. Through extra curricula activities, students learn to be effective team players, collaborate with others, and potentially lead teams to success. Feedback and recognition from coaches and teachers can help boost their self-confidence and sense of purpose within the communities too. Students who are part of a larger community find a sense of connection, which ultimately enhances their social skills.

Improves mental health and reduces stress

Having a healthy outlet to channel energy and emotions in a positive way will help students improve their mental health. Taking part in enjoyable activities, such as dancing, playing an instrument, or volunteering, improves wellbeing and reduces cortisol — the stress hormone. Having out of school activities to look forward to can build resilience, self-worth, confidence, and a sense of belonging.

What is the typical daily schedule of students in extracurriculars?

At St Francis Xavier College, our students take part in extra curricula activities throughout the week sometimes in between their academic coursework, with dedicated extra curricula sessions. A couple of our clubs and organisations will also meet after school if they require performance preparation or sport practice/competitions. Since we have Care Group available when school first starts each day, this time block gives students the chance to plan out their week so they can balance their time between their academic classes and extra curricula ones.

What are the extra curricular activities available at St Francis Xavier College?

We offer a diverse range of clubs and activities to cater to various interests. Whether students are new to an activity or have done it for many years, we encourage them to explore the opportunities we offer and start when they are ready.

The clubs and activities available include:

How can students make the most of extracurriculars

Students can make the most of their extra curricula experience by getting involved as soon as they arrive on campus. While it’s important to ensure they are ready to incorporate these activities into their schedules, the biggest mistake they can make is not trying something new. 

 If they don’t try, they will miss out on discovering their potential talents and building valuable skills of teamwork and time management. We want all our students to find their community and sense of belonging on our campus, so they can have a positive school experience.

 Here at St Francis Xavier College, we proudly offer a variety of opportunities to help students pursue their passions. If you have any further questions about our extra curricula opportunities, please reach out to us.