The life of a VCE student is often very full, made up of a mix of academic pursuits, extracurricula activities, socialising, and personal time. We encourage our senior students to lead a well-balanced life and to find a routine that prioritises their wellbeing and allows enough down time. This is what a typical day for a VCE student might look like.
A healthy breakfast is the best way to start a school day, giving students the energy they need to feel focused and motivated. Many students commute to school by car, bus or train, ready for classes to begin at 8.55am. Every school day is structured with several periods, each running for 70 minutes and dedicated to the different VCE subjects each student has chosen.
Each day has two main breaks at recess and lunch, allowing students to recharge and take the pressure off, while also providing important time to eat, exercise and connect with friends. After lunch, afternoon classes continue until 3.00pm when students are dismissed. Many VCE students stick around after classes are over to continue revising in the quiet of the library or our designated study areas, or to work in groups to tackle their study together.
When students go home, we encourage them to make some time for study and homework, but to prioritise spending time with their families and to engage in any hobbies or activities they find fulfilling. Students should also ensure they have a good amount of downtime and sleep, which has a host of benefits to physical health, mental wellbeing, learning and memory.
Our VCE students follow a rigorous academic schedule filled with up to 6 subjects of their choice, designed to prepare them for tertiary study and their career aspirations. Each student takes at least one English and RE subject, but is then free to select from over 30 VCE subjects across subject areas like Mathematics, Arts, Science, Health and PE, Languages, Technologies, Religious Education and Humanities.
These subjects include a regular stream of assessments, most notably School Assessed Coursework (SACs), which are used to track how students are performing according to the subject outcomes. These can be both in-class tasks like tests or longer-form assessments like folios and productions. Many students make the use of planners or digital calendars to keep track of their assignments and projects.
Every VCE subject also includes a formal exam. Unit 1/2 subjects include an exam for each unit, one conducted mid-year and one at the end of the year. By contrast, Unit 3/4 subjects include only one exam to assess the entire course of study, conducted at the end of the year. Teachers at SFXC are committed to preparing students as thoroughly as possible for all assessment tasks, and supporting them in their own study efforts.
VCE isn’t just about studying though; it’s also an exciting time as students draw to the end of their schooling journey. Many students use this time to play an active role in different extracurricula activities like sports, orchestras, performances and volunteering. Participation not only helps students take a break from studying but gives them important lifelong skills like teamwork, time management and determination.
At St Francis Xavier College, we firmly believe in the message of St Iranaeus: “The glory of God is a person fully formed.” We offer a host of Extra Curricula activities for students to engage in to form a more complete and rounded version of themselves. We highly value these experiences, as they enhance the school culture and improve student outcomes.
While it can be a deeply enriching period of life, VCE isn’t without its stressors and challenges, and we want to ensure every student feels sufficiently supported in their pursuits. We encourage students to connect with their peers in study groups, and to always bring any questions they have to their teachers for clear instruction and compassionate help.
Our campuses also include counselling and pastoral care services, so that every student has the freedom to express their difficulties and receive the help they deserve. These spaces provide a place to talk about personal issues, academic concerns and even future goals, and to always feel heard.
A day in the life of a VCE student at St Francis Xavier College is well-rounded, combining structured academic schedules with enriching extracurricular activities and a comprehensive support system. This holistic approach not only prepares students for exams but also equips them with the skills and resilience needed for future success.