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St Francis Xavier College together with the Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Limited (DOSCEL) is committed to creating an environment where the safety, wellbeing and participation of all children and young people is paramount. DOSCEL’s Commitment Statement to Child Safety affirms our commitment to: zero tolerance to child abuse; listen to and empower children and young people; keep children and young people safe.

Child Protection

St Francis Xavier College is a child safe organisation which welcomes all children, young people and their families.

We are committed to providing environments where our students are safe and feel safe, where their participation is valued, their views are respected, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives. Our child safe policies, strategies and practices are inclusive of the needs of all children and students.

We have no tolerance for child abuse and take proactive steps to identify and manage any risks of harm to students in our school environments. We promote positive relationships between students and adults, including school staff, contractors, volunteers, parents, guardians and carers and between students and their peers. These relationships are based on trust and respect.

We take proactive steps to identify and manage any risk of harm to students in our school environment. When child safety concerns are raised or identified, we treat these seriously and respond promptly and thoroughly.

Particular attention is given to the child safety needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, international students, students with disabilities, those unable to live at home, children and young people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer/questioning and/or asexual (LGBTIQA+) and other students experiencing risk or vulnerability. Inappropriate or harmful behaviour targeting students based on these or other characteristics, such as racism or homophobia, are not tolerated at our school, and any instances identified will be addressed with appropriate consequences.

Child safety is a shared responsibility. Every person involved in our school has an important role in promoting child safety and wellbeing and promptly raising any issues or concerns about a child’s safety.

We are committed to regularly reviewing our child safe practices, and seeking input from our students, families, school staff, and volunteers to inform our ongoing strategies.

For further information regarding our Child Protection Policies, please contact the College to speak with one of our Child Safety Champions

Child Safety Champions

St Francis Xavier College has appointed the people listed below as the College’s Child Safety Champions . Each Child Safety Champion is available to answer any questions that you may have with respect to our Child Protection and Safety Policy and the Child Protection Program.

Child Safety Champions are selected based on a number of considerations, namely:

  • their personal attitudes, experiences and beliefs, for example, a person who is non-judgmental, calm, resilient and demonstrates a high degree of integrity and respect for confidentiality;
  • their role within the College, for example, a person who has seniority and experience working with complex student and family issues at the College and someone who is readily accessible and available to all members of the College community; and
  • their personal profile within the College, for example, a person who is approachable, who students and staff trust and who is willing and able to respond to issues personally and sensitively.

It is every individual’s responsibility to protect children and make reports regarding their concerns to the appropriate authorities.

If a person requires support in reporting to the authorities, the College’s Child Safety Champions are your first point of contact. They receive special training that allows them to deal with child protection concerns both sensitively and effectively.

Child Abuse includes:

  • sexual offences;
  • grooming;
  • physical violence;
  • serious emotional or psychological harm;
  • serious neglect; and
  • family violence, or exposure to family violence.

If you have any concern that a child may be experiencing any form of abuse, whether or not you have formed a belief on reasonable grounds that the abuse has occurred, you can discuss your concerns with the College’s Child Safety Champion. Please note that only raising concerns with the College’s Child Safety Champion, does not meet your legal obligations to report suspected child abuse.

The welfare and best interests of the child are paramount. Whenever there are concerns that a child is in immediate danger the Police should be called on 000.

Jason Hibberd 
Deputy Principal – Head of Campus (Beaconsfield) 
jhibberd@sfx.vic.edu.au – 9707 3111

Collette Bond
Deputy Principal – Head of Campus (Berwick) 
cbond@sfx.vic.edu.au – 9707 3111

Jacinta Sheridan
Deputy Principal – Head of Campus (Officer)
jsheridan@sfx.vic.edu.au – 9707 3111

John Fazzino
Vice Principal 
jfazzino@sfx.vic.edu.au – 9707 3111

Cate Baird
Deputy Principal – Inclusion
cbaird@sfx.vic.edu.au – 9707 3111

Michelle Pereira
Deputy Principal – Wellbeing
mpereira@sfx.vic.edu.au – 9707 3111

Elise Conabere
Director of Counselling & Pastoral Support
econabere@sfx.vic.edu.au – 9707 3111


Victorian Child Safe Standards

DOSCEL and St Francis Xavier College are committed to complying with Ministerial Order No. 1359: Implementing the Child Safe Standards – Managing the Risk of Child Abuse in Schools and Boarding House Premises. Child safety and wellbeing also considers the diversity of all children, including (but not limited to) the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, children with disabilities, and children who are vulnerable.

Prevention and Response

Preventing and responding to child abuse requires a whole of community response to bring about broad cultural change. To this end, the Victorian Child Safe Standards apply to a broad range of organisations that provide services for children, including schools, churches, sporting clubs and youth services.

Ensuring we have child safe communities goes to the heart of our faith and core purpose. Therefore, we are dedicated to upholding the values and practices that create safe learning environments for students.

Reporting and Contacts

There are a number of supports available when responding to incidents, disclosures or suspicions of child abuse.

24 Hour Services

  • Victoria Police: 000
  • DHHS Child Protection: 131 278

Support Services

Other College Policies